Striving to eliminate food insecurity and reduce food waste in New Brunswick

Each day, people you know – family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, and people throughout your community – are making the heartbreaking decision of whether to eat, pay rent or give up another basic essential.

Crises like the COVID-19 pandemic and affordability have highlighted just how fragile our society and our social safety net can be. Any one of us is at risk of struggling to afford food – at any time.

Meanwhile, food wastage is a significant problem in Canada, with studies showing that 58 per cent of food produced annually is not eaten. About a third of that waste food could be rescued, which is enough to feed every Canadian for five months or more.

Greener Village, a community-driven organization dedicated to addressing hunger and promoting food security in the greater Fredericton area that is part of the network of 5,100 hunger relief organizations supported by Food Banks Canada, is working to change that!

Growing our capacity to feed more people

Greener Village has launched the THRIVE campaign to raise $6.3 million to build the first Perishable Food Rescue Centre in Atlantic Canada, where regional availability of excess edible food is estimated to be 228,569 tonnes.

Plans for this unique facility include construction of a new 6,500-square-foot food transformation hub to distribute over $4 million in food each year and divert thousands of pounds of food from landfills.

Alex Boyd, CEO of Greener Village said this initiative will not only address hunger but will also reduce food waste and provide more nutritional food options.

“Despite our diligent efforts, more and more people are hungry every year. In New Brunswick, we are reaching a tipping point, and we need to urgently look at different ways to meet the immediate need and reduce the ongoing need,” Boyd said. “By connecting with local agriculture and business, we will change how the food bank network relates to the food it requires to help people. Our transformative project is leading the way on this important topic all across our region and Canada.”

Greener Village’s purpose-built Perishable Food Rescue Centre will be more than just a building. The Centre will reimagine how the local and provincial food system flows and how we can make a real difference in the lives of those who are most vulnerable.

This facility will work with local farmers and producers to receive and recover fresh foods that are destined for waste by turning these products into value-added, ready-to-eat and freezer-stable items that can redistributed to over 70 food-focused organizations throughout the province. These include homeless shelters, community kitchens, school nutrition programs, and other food charities, to name a few.

It will increase Greener Village’s capacity to feed more people and allow the organization to ensure that 60 per cent of the products in each grocery box distributed are fresh food items. All while helping divert thousands of pounds of food from landfills.

From a skill-building perspective, the new 1,500-square-foot community learning kitchen will also provide cooking classes, training opportunities, as well as work experience for individuals seeking to enter the production and food service industries. These experiences will help people earn an income to support themselves and their loved ones.

Food Banks Canada is proud to partner with Greener Village to make this innovative project a reality.

“Having the support and leadership of Food Banks Canada in a project like this is incredible,” added Boyd. “We firmly believe that projects like ours can be replicated in other regions of our country so that we can continue to advance the work of food security across our country. Their commitment to support us through initial investment and ongoing food procurement will greatly impact the fight against food insecurity in New Brunswick.”

“Food Banks Canada is honoured to support Greener Village with such an innovative and impactful project,” shared Kirstin Beardsley, Chief Executive Officer, Food Banks Canada. “Our vision is for a Canada where no one goes hungry, and this means helping food banks and their communities with influential projects like this in Atlantic Canada. We are also working on prioritizing access to fresh produce, ensuring those who are most in need are supported and have access to nutritious, fresh food. Thank you, Greener Village, for your leadership in recognizing the need and creating a unique and truly transformative project at a critical time; we are proud to be your partner.”

To learn more about Greener Village and the launch of the THRIVE campaign, visit