Menstrual products are a basic need
This project has been funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada.
Food Banks Canada is excited to be working with Women and Gender Equality Canada to lead a national pilot to address period poverty in Canada through two objectives:
To test a national approach to provide free access to menstrual products to diverse low-income communities across Canada.
To increase education and awareness on people’s knowledge of menstrual products, good practices, and period stigma.
Menstrual products are a basic need and food banks across the country see firsthand every day how far too many people are forced to choose between personal hygiene products or buying enough food to eat. With the support of the food bank network and community organizations, we will work collaboratively to ensure those who need these products the most have access to them, along with funding public education and awareness activities to break down barriers and create open conversations about period poverty to foster more inclusivity and understanding.
Learn more about the pilot: