Food insecurity is
at crisis levels in many
northern communities.
Poverty, along with a lack of access to logistics, proper infrastructure, and transportation has resulted in many Canadians living in northern and remote communities to experience disproportionate levels of food insecurity. We recognize the need is urgent and that the time for change is now.
Northern snapshot
While the food insecurity rate across the country lies at 12.7%, in Nunavut, that number is 57%—more than quadruple the national average. It is a complex and critical issue that requires a very specific set of solutions. Which is why Food Banks Canada continues to recommend greater focus and attention by governments when it comes to addressing the high levels of food insecurity in Canada’s north.
Advocating for change in northern communities
Through our ongoing policy recommendations, Food Banks Canada remains diligent in addressing the disproportionate food security challenges being faced by people in the north.
Relieving hunger along the ice roads
Amid growing calls for food bank services in northern communities, Food Banks Canada hit the ice roads with Harvest Manitoba and the Regional Food Distribution Association in Thunder Bay in 2022 on a mission to improve northern food security.
Together, we drove more than 3,000 kilometres along the longest seasonal ice road in the world—the Wapusk Trail—to deliver thousands of pounds of food in two remote First Nations only accessible to vehicles for six weeks of the year.
1Source: Statistics Canada
2The cost to feed a family of four in March of 2018 — source: