APRIL 2024 UPDATE: Walmart’s Fight Hunger. Spark Change. campaign has raised over 100 million meals!
Since the Fight Hunger. Spark Change campaign launched in 2017, Walmart Canada has raised 107 million meals for Canadians from coast to coast to coast.
(Original story below.)
Canada’s food banks are facing overwhelming demand, with our annual HungerCount survey finding that there were almost two million visits to food banks in Canada in March 2023 alone.
“As the need across Canada continues to grow and food bank visits continue to rise, the issue of food insecurity is a problem we must all work toward solving. It is through our strong partnership with Walmart Canada, that we can strengthen our capacity to be there for those in communities who are truly at their breaking point,” Kirstin Beardsley, CEO, Food Banks Canada said. “Food Banks Canada is extremely thankful for the support that we have received from Walmart Canada. Walmart Canada has contributed 96 million meals, and that impact at a local community level has been tremendous. Through the Retail Food Program and the Fight Hunger. Spark Change Campaign, Walmart Canada together with Food Banks Canada, has been able to make positive changes across the country as we work toward our vision of a Canada where no one goes hungry. Thank you, Walmart, for continuing to champion this cause and help Canadians live better.”
Beginning Feb. 15, 2024, and running through March 13, 2024, Walmart Canada and Food Banks Canada kick off the eighth annual Fight Hunger. Spark Change. campaign, in Walmart stores across the country to benefit local food banks.
Since its inception in 2017, Fight Hunger. Spark Change. has generated 96 million meals in support of the food banking network across Canada. This year the goal is to add 10 million more meals to help people in need!
“Without these funds we would not be able to purchase the much-needed nutritious food for those who are struggling in our community. We are experiencing higher than ever numbers accessing our food bank, so these funds come at a great time when the need for food is increasing at a steady rate.”
– Lynda Davidson, Food Bank Coordinator Lead Hand, UHC – Hub of Opportunities
Gert Reynar, executive director for the Leduc & District Food Bank in Alberta said the support of the Fight Hunger. Spark Change. campaign is pivotal in enabling food banks to provide much-needed food and support services in their local communities.
“In these totally unknown and unpredictable times, supporters such as Walmart who focus on local stores and their food banks greatly help food banks to be able to continue to ‘as best as they can’ meet the increasing needs for their services.”
– Gert Reynar, Executive Director, Leduc & District Food Bank
The Fight Hunger. Spark Change. campaign offers a variety of ways for community members to help their local food banks:
Donate online.
Donate food items in-store at the collection bins located at the front of the store.
Round up your purchases at the checkout to the nearest dollar.
Donate at the self-checkout.
Participating brand partners joining together for Fight Hunger. Spark Change. include Campbell’s, Coca Cola, ConAgra, Dare, Ferrero, General Mills, WK Kellogg, Kellanova, Mars, Mondelez, PepsiCo, Wonderbrands, Unilever.

Hunger is affecting more individuals and families in Canada than ever.