Ontario Report Card
Section 1: Experience of Poverty ![]() ![]() |
Indicator | Data | 2024 Grade |
2023 Grade |
People Feeling Worse off Compared to Last Year
47.1% | D- |
D+ |
People Spending More than 30% of Income on Housing
45.7% | F |
F |
People Having Trouble Accessing Health Care
16.4% | D+ |
F |
Government Support Recipients Who Say Rates Are Insufficient to Keep Up with Cost of Living
52.9% | F |
D |
Percent of Income Spent on Fixed Costs beyond Housing
59.4% | D- |
C+ |
Overall | D- |
D |
Section 2: Poverty Measures ![]() ![]() |
Indicator | Data | 2024 Grade |
2023 Grade |
Poverty Rate (MBM)
10.9% | F |
D |
Provincial Welfare as a Percent of the Poverty Line (Singles)
34% | F |
F |
Provincial Disability Welfare as a Percent of the Poverty Line
54% | D- |
D- |
Unemployment Rate
6.7% | F |
D+ |
Food Insecurity Rate
24.5% | F |
C- |
Overall | F |
D |
Section 3: Material Deprivation ![]() ![]() |
Indicator | Data | 2024 Grade |
2023 Grade |
Inadequate Standard of Living
34% | D |
F |
Severely Inadequate Standard of Living
24.3% | D+ |
D |
Overall | D+ |
D- |
Section 4: Legislative Progress ![]() ![]() |
Indicator | Data | 2024 Grade |
2023 Grade |
Legislative Progress
D |
F |
Overall | D |
F |
Poverty reduction efforts have not appeared to be a priority for the Ontario government. With lacking action on affordable housing or expanding social services and programs, people in the province continue to see worsening conditions in 2024. This is concerning as the province is home to a significant portion of low-income Canadians.
Poverty overview
Ontario has a poverty rate of 10.9 per cent. While this is relatively on par with the national average (9.9), many people are still struggling at an unacceptable rate, especially given how prosperous Ontario is. For people living in the province, top solutions to their struggles include reducing food costs, strengthening health care, and reducing the cost of utilities.Poverty and Inequality in Ontario
Despite its economic prosperity, Ontario is struggling with growing income inequality, housing affordability issues, and systemic barriers to socio-economic opportunities. Racialized communities, Indigenous peoples, and newcomers often face disproportionate levels of poverty and exclusion that amplify those struggles.Labour and education
Despite Ontario’s strong economy, over one-third of the population (36 per cent) has difficulties accessing stable employment opportunities in their community, which is 6 percentage points higher than the national figure.The cost of living and affordable housing
Between December 2022 and December 2023, the overall price of goods and services in Ontario increased by 3.4 per cent; food increased by 4.1 per cent. While these rates are on par with or below the national average, many people in the province are still struggling to cope with these increased costs. Just over one-third of people in the province (34 per cent) worry about feeding themselves or their family. This figure is 5 percentage points higher than the national average.Table 1. Welfare incomes in
Ontario, 2018–2022, constant dollars (2022)[2]
single person receiving Ontario Works |
single person receiving Ontario Disability Support Program |
parent with one child receiving Ontario Works |
with two children receiving Ontario Works |
2018 |
$11,520 |
$17,860 |
$25,633 |
$37,021 |
2022 |
$10,253 |
$15,871 |
$23,102 |
$33,368 |
Change in $ |
−$1,268 |
−$1,989 |
−$2,531 |
−$3,652 |
Change in % |
−11.0% |
−11.1% |
−9.9% |
−9.9% |
- Encouraging more municipal infrastructure development to help enable the development and preparation of housing sites. The recent Ontario budget allocated up to $1.8 billion to help municipalities finance this infrastructure.
- Lowering the cost of building affordable housing, in part by reducing the development charges associated with these projects by 25 per cent.
- Implementing governance reforms so cities can more easily and quickly implement changes to housing supply policies.
- Creating the Ontario Infrastructure Bank to help encourage more investment in transit, roads, and housing.
- Introducing a provincial version of the federal Housing Accelerator Fund to help reward cities with plans to increase housing supply. This partially addresses one of our recommendations from last year, but we recommended a more specific focus on affordable housing. Making changes to the permitting process for secondary suites.
- Removing the provincial portion of HST on qualifying new purpose-built rental housing, which mirrors federal action.

1. Establish a clear poverty reduction target of 50 per cent by 2030 compared to 2015 levels.Ontario lacks a clear objective for measuring overall success in reducing the number of residents who are living in poverty. While the province’s current strategy includes metrics to increase employment and reduce social assistance caseloads, these do not guarantee any level of success with respect to overall poverty reduction.
Decent Work that Pays
2. Double the Low-Income Individuals and Families Tax Credit (LIFT) for Ontarians who are earning less than $50,000 and aim to harmonize the Canada Workers Benefit with it.Since its introduction in 2018, LIFT and the recently enhanced CWB have provided substantial additional support to eligible workers who are transitioning into low-wage or part-time employment. To bolster these incentives, the province should use recent fiscal windfalls from the strong post-COVID-19 labour market recovery to double LIFT to $1,700, with a focus on helping workers who are earning less than $50,000 in particular. To simplify and improve access to supports, the Ontario government should also work with the federal government to harmonize program design. The CWB, for example, focuses primarily on employment source income (as does LIFT) rather than adjusted net income so that the two benefits are fully stackable. Harmonizing the program design would ensure that someone who is employed for 20 hours a week or less and is earning minimum wage would be able to benefit fully, with nearly $3,300 annually in combined and unreduced support.
3. Make it easier for people who are part of the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) to work and earn.In anticipation of the significant impact that the forthcoming Canada Disability Benefit will have on Canada’s social safety net, the government of Ontario should undertake a similar review of provincial benefits to enhance both their adequacy and the simplicity of the application process so that they provide livable support that encourages people to look for and stay in work.
4. Modernize the Ontario Works program and ODSP.While the province recently made welcome changes to increase the amount that a recipient of ODSP can keep if they find work—from $200 to $1,000 per month—any earnings above this level are still clawed back at a rate of 75 per cent. At a minimum, the province should reduce this clawback provision to 50 per cent, which would align with the current earnings exemption rule in the Ontario Works program. This would improve the ability of and incentive for people who receive ODSP to seek and find work if they are able to do so.
Affordable Housing
5. Enhance the provincial housing accelerator fund with new tax and grant incentives to supercharge the construction of affordable, purpose-built rental housing.While Ontario has established a provincial housing accelerator fund, this action only partially addresses our related recommendation from last year. Ontario needs to focus the Building Faster Fund on deeper housing affordability that addresses the needs of people who are classed as lower-income and working- poor. Private market developers are struggling to keep up with rising demand, as increased interest rates have affected financing options. Changing the focus of the Building Faster Fund would build on the savings gained from the removal of provincial GST on new purpose-built rental construction. For example, it could include establishing a time-limited, enhanced capital cost allowance class for purpose-built rental units so that developers can recoup their capital investment faster. In exchange, Ontario would set strong conditions to increase the mix of affordable and below-market units and deepen affordability. This could be paired with further grant investments to assist with land acquisition.
6. Establish an Ontario housing protection and acquisition fund.If Ontarians are to have affordable housing, the province’s non-profit and co-operative housing providers must be able to acquire land and property—often the most important cost in development—cheaply and quickly. The province’s More Homes Built Faster strategy facilitated initial steps in this direction by exempting affordable housing projects from development charges. This urgently needs to be supplmented by the province with funding and land so that projects can proceed. We recommend that an acquisition and development stream of at least $800 million be dedicated to affordable housing providers. British Columbia’s Community Housing Fund Program, a $3.3 billion investment to create 20,000 affordable homes, could be used as a template for a similar program in Ontario.
7. Direct Ontario cities to spend their available cash on affordable housing.
Ontario cities are sitting on significant reserves and cash that could be used to build affordable housing. In 2022, Ontario municipalities had $2 billion more in cash on hand than they did before the pandemic, with development charge reserves big enough for Toronto and Ottawa to spend down for years without needing to collect any new revenue. Even with the recent reduction in development charges for affordable housing, there is still significant room for additional investment. The province should direct municipalities to present a plan to deploy excess reserves over a period of five years by either further reducing development charges on affordable housing or directly co-investing the reserves into affordable housing projects or related health and human services that help ensure the most vulnerable residents are successfully housed.
- Hover on the provinces/territories to see an overview of each province/territory’s grades
- Click on the provinces/territories to expand and view Poverty Report Card overview
- For more detailed information about the Overall Grade, Context, Political and Policy Landscape, Looking Ahead and Policy Recommendation: click View Report Card
These grades represent how well poverty reduction efforts are going in the provincial, territorial, and federal governments. As poverty is the result of many factors, including the cost of housing and everyday needs, to the quality of the social safety net, these Report Cards explore the experience of poverty across Canada and where governments can take steps to improve their social policy.
Provinces and territories are graded based on how they compare with each other on experiences of poverty, measurements of poverty, a standard of living, and government progress on passing anti-poverty legislation. This helps policymakers and advocates compare how governments are doing, see what policies are working well across the country, and have evidence at hand to advocate for effective policies that tackle poverty.
This is a living tool and will be updated annually to track how much progress governments are making in reducing poverty.
As an organization that supports a network of associations spanning from coast to coast to coast, Food Banks Canada recognizes that our work takes place on the traditional territories of Indigenous Peoples who have cared for this land that we now call Canada since time immemorial.
We acknowledge that many of us are settlers and these lands that we live, work, meet, and travel on are subject to First Nations self-government under modern treaties, unceded and un-surrendered territories, or traditional territories from which First Nations Peoples, Métis, and Inuit have been displaced.
We are committed to decolonization and to dismantling the systems of oppression that have and continue to dispossess Indigenous people of their lands and deny them their inherent rights to self-determination. This includes evaluating the role that Food Banks Canada has played in perpetuating these systems and working toward being active partners in the path toward reconciliation.
Philippe Ozga , Chief Network and Government Relations Officer
Isaac Smith, Manager of Policy and Government Relations
Dana Vreeswijk, Policy and Advocacy Officer
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