Guest post provided by Lenetta Parry, Executive Director, The Central Okanagan Food Bank

My dad had a successful, wealthy friend named Bob. Bob could not understand why anyone would ever have to turn to the food bank and therefore didn’t see the need to donate “his hard earned money”. That was until one day he met the woman of his dreams – Sally, a single mom, working two part time jobs who occasionally found herself at the food bank, because she was struggling to put food on her table. Bob and Sally eventually got married, blended their two families and now Bob understands the importance of helping others by donating to his local food bank.
Why do I share this story?
Because we can all imagine the heartbreak of a new parent who’s child needs the urgent care of a children’s hospital, many of us know someone affected by mental health, or a disease/illness so we find it easy to donate to charities that address causes like cancer, heart disease and diabetes because we want a future without these terrible diseases.
But hunger is different.
If a person has never used a food bank, has never come close to having to use a food bank or as in Bob’s case, has never known someone who has used a food bank, hunger and food insecurity may be a difficult issue to relate to. And yet in Canada over 860,000 Canadians per month find themselves needing a food bank…this could be the personal support worker who visits your mother in her home, your child’s school friend or the man who delivers your newspaper to your door each morning. Across our country, the issue of hunger is closer than most people think.
That is why, from September 18-September 22, 2017, food banks across the county will come together to mark Hunger Awareness Week, a week dedicated to bringing attention to the issue of hunger in Canada and the important role food banks play in addressing hunger.
Everyone can play a part!
As a food bank, we participate in this campaign (even if it is just one or two events or activities) to give it a stronger, more collective voice. Food banks are local but the issue of hunger is national and we can all play a role in getting this important message out and to keep it top of mind for everyone involved.
It’s a big picture approach that helps food bank organizations across the country.
As a community member, we urge you to take part – share the message with your friends and family.
As a donor, this week and whenever you can, please consider donating food, funds or your time to your local food bank – and if you relate to Bob in this story – I encourage you to spend some time at your local food bank and meet a neighbour like Sally and her children.
Together, we CAN alleviate hunger in Canada.