We are always interested in hearing more about the individuals in food banking across Canada! This month, our spotlight is on Hal Roberts from the Summerland Food Bank and Resource Centre Society in Summerland, B.C.

What is your role in food banking?
Resource Coordinator (we have a resource centre, which is a social services hub, affiliated with our food bank).
Describe a typical day in one word.
What was your inspiration to get involved in food banking?
I was a ministry social worker in our community and many of my clients used the local food bank. When I retired, the coordinator position was vacant at the food bank, and I applied.
What is your greatest achievement in your current role?
Expanding our community-based programs (e.g., food support for schools, retail food recovery, and commencement of the “Seed to Feed” program that produces fresh vegetables for our food bank).
What is your greatest challenge in your current role?
The increasing number of our clients who cannot afford their shelter costs.
If you could have one wish granted that would address hunger in Canada what would it be?
Universal guaranteed annual income.
Which talent would you most like to have?
Successful multi-tasking.
If you could tell your younger self advice, what would it be?
Move to British Columbia 10 years earlier than I did.
Who are your heroes? Fictional or real life.
People who give back to their communities.
What is your idea of happiness?
Fly-fishing in August.
What is your motto?
Children make you understand what matters in the world.
Something quirky about you that others may not expect or know?
I once worked in a funeral home.
Your theme song?
Don’t have one.
Do you know a food bank or food banker that could be featured on our next Spotlight? Contact us at communications@foodbankscanada.ca.